Good Leaders

Nov. 20, 2022, Melrose Highlands Congregational Church, UCC

Jeremiah 23:1-6

This worship service was a busy one! It was Scout Sunday, where we host the Cub Scout troop that the church is in relationship with for a Sunday. We had a food drive for the local food bank. It was also at the start of our “Giving Tree” program, where gifts for local teens and families in need are purchased for the holiday season. And, it was the Sunday after the Colorado Springs shooting at Club Q. So many people in one space, with so much on their hearts.

The welcome begins at 4:00, which included a special naming of the news from Club Q. If you would like to skip ahead to the children’s moment, join at 27:50. And if you would like to skip to the sermon, join at 38:00.


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